Monday 30 January 2012

Day 36 - Listen to your body

Today, day 36 is a rest day. Yesterday, day 35 was not but it was a missed training day.

Last week I felt a slight twinge in my lower left leg, this was on the way to bed and thought little of it. I duly went on a 75 minute hard training run the following morning. I then spent the rest of the day on the internet trying to figure out what I had done to myself as it was painful to walk.

After much reading, I deduced that I've pulled my Achilles tendon (slightly, luckily). So for the last 3 days i've been very gentle on it so as not to aggravate it any more and hopefully let it recover quickly.

By the way things are going, if I don't have any set backs before tomorrow, i'll head to the pool to keep the exercise up but I will definitely hold back from any more running until at least this coming weekend. I knew there would be occasions when training days got missed due to work and life generally but I wasn't expecting it due to injury.

I think I've fallen into the 'over training' category where my body has not had sufficient time to recover in all the ways it needs to.

But for me, this whole Marathon event is a learning exercise. I just hope that the lessons learned are not to severe.

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