Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 39 - Not happy

I'm accepting that I must not do too much at the moment to allow my pulled tendon to recover but it is very hard. You see people out running and you wish you could be out there too, I never thought i'd say that.

So this morning, for the second time this week I decided to go to the gym for a swim. This is quite the most depressing thought one can have at 7:00am. I really don't like swimming, it feels and sounds like a waste of time. I looked at the pool and nearly had second thoughts again but jumped in. On the plus side, as it was sub zero outside it made the pool feel rather toasty.

I did my distance, slightly quicker and more efficiently than Tuesday and used the water support to help stretch the lower leg parts.

I'm going to be sensible and ensure that I recover completely and slowly but it cannot come quick enough.
Down with swimming, up with running.

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