Sunday 22 January 2012

Day 28 - Marathon is easy, getting out of bed is harder

The title of this post a little tongue in cheek because clearly running a marathon is not anything like easy. But on mornings like today, after a long week, you're rudely woken up early on a Sunday by an alarm clock only to remember that you have to dig yourself out of your comfy bed and go and run 10 miles in the cold blustery wind.

7am, it's still dark and looking out of the bedroom window you can see trees blowing severely in the wind, this can only result in one thought - "i'm going back to bed".

So for anyone who has had this moment while training in the past, I really do sympathise and it comes down to determination to step away from the bed and head for the door. Obviously after dressing appropriately for the job at hand.

Eventually after a couple of miles warming up I had a solid run. 10 miles round and I felt good when I had done. I can't say that I look forward to another 14 weeks of similar moments, but there is a goal and if I accomplish it then this will all be part of 'My Story'.

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