Wednesday 18 January 2012

Day 24 - Rest day, so let's reflect

No outside fun and games today so I have some time to think about all the other things which shouldn't be forgotten in planning for a marathon.

The training plan is now properly set-up and I won't miss read it in future. I 've added it to the web page too.

What about nutrition? Am I eating the right food? Am i eating the right food at the right time? Am I eating the right amount of the right food?

The books about Marathon running, which I own, fall fairly short in the nutrition chapters. They give indications of the type of food to eat (Cereal, Bread, Pasta) and rough quantities e.g. 60% Carb, 25% protein and 15% fat.

That's all well and good and other resources list more about your weight and trying to quantify the intake as a percentage of body weight. But this is all wide of the mark. So I weigh 64 kilos that means I need X grams of carb per day, but today is a rest day. What about tomorrow? I'll be burning an extra 700 calories in my training run, how do you quantify that?

If I try and work it out then I would conclude that I need to replace 420 calories in carbs, 175 in protein and 105 in fats. So from here I need to work out what food i'll be eating, let's say bread for example, calculate the nutritional value of the bread and eat so many slices to cover the 420 calories, on top of my normal daily intake.

But is this correct? If I do a long, slow run, running in my aerobic window and this formula above above is right, what happens when I do an anaerobic training session or a VO2 max session? does the one formula fit all?

I spent ages reading about the physiology of the body and learning about my body levels, heart rate, etc before I started, I haven't got enough time to do the same with nutrition.

Any nutritionists out there care to help? 

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