Monday 5 March 2012

Day 71 - Time to restart marathon traning

This has to be the most difficult part of this entire project. For the last 5 weeks, I was unable at the beginning, I have not done any running which is rather awkward when you're training for a running event. For the last 3 weeks though i've been putting in considerable time swimming up and down a pool. As you'll note by earlier posts, this is not something that I partucularly enjoy and would gladly go back to running. I have had to be sensible though and if I want to run this race I need to be sure that my tendon can take it.

After this mornings 1 mile swim I decided to call I a day for today but tomorrow I have every intention of giving my legs a stretch. I'm thinking that this will be a treadmill exercise and probably only mustering a brisk walk. I must be careful not to do too much and also not to do too much too soon.

Time is however not really on my side with only 8 weeks to go but looking positively at it, I was in good shape when I suffered my injury and i've hopefully maintained my fitness since.

Lets look forward with positive eyes.

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