Sunday 25 March 2012

Day 91 - 34 to go

Last week was both busy and frustrating.

A 5 mile run on Thursday which contained a series of fast and slow splits. Unfortunately I managed to program the watch wrong and  instead of having 10 repeats of 1 minutes at 5 and 7mph I got 10 repeats of 7mph followed by 10 at 5mph. The numbers average out at the same but the principle of the training is all messed up.

Saturday should have been 45 minutes in the pool, but a large family of Japanese people with children seemed hell bent on using every inch of the pool. Even after the 4th or 5th collision, they still didn't get the picture so I abandoned it.

Sunday (today) I made sure that my watch was correctly set up. I'd measured a 6 mile course with the middle 4 miles set as splits again. This time I got it right.

At the end of the 6 miles my trusty Garmin informed me that, apart from over training (I'm well aware of that) my average pace was 9:11, which quite frankly is great. Up till my injury I was calculating a 9:00minute pace on race day. I've been out for 6 weeks and i'm putting in respectable times which will improve over the next 5 weeks.

So, as long as all my parts keep working correctly the I do believe that I could try for my 9:00minute Marathon pace. That would great.

I do have to be careful though not to do too much now, but do enough to move forward.

So since last Sunday i've done a 3 a 4 a 5 and a 6 mile session with minimal issues. If by tomorrow morning I am not experiencing any twinges then I think we have recovered sufficiently. Once again - everything crossed.

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