Friday 16 March 2012

Revised training plan needed!

So considering the lost training time over the last few weeks I really don't know where I would try and slot back into my original plan.

So come Sunday I'll start with a trial run, gentle, controlled, relaxed and try and put into practise all the usefull running tips and techniques that i've been taught over the last few weeks.

Then, I think i'll have to revisit my training plan, pull out my 3 running books and try and lift the best bits from all the plans to make a schedule to cover me through till the end of April. What are the best bits though?

With a solid plan and a healthy time window, training was always troublesome. With a small time window and no plan, how hard is this going to be?

I'll try and piece a plan together but if anyone reading this has any good suggestions on a training schedule, feel free to comment. Do observe though that I can't head out on Sunday morning and stick in a 13 miler at half marathon pace. That would be too much too soon.

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