Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 60 - 60 minute mile pace

No not a typing mistake, today I did do 1 mile and it took me, well, slightly under 1 hour. The subtle difference is that I was horizontal and traveling through water.

25 more of those and I could swim the marathon, although the marshals might be bored by the time I crossed the line.

Still looking longingly forward to next week when we might be able to consider a gentle run to start things off. I've managed brisk walks this weeks with a few short bursts of speed up/down stairs and no apparent issues.

Was offered a free entry ticket for the Silverstone Half Marathon last night but frankly couldn't accept it. I wanted to as I tried to get in the race previously but it was fully booked. Now I have the option of a ticket and not sure if I can/should go in for it. Will I jeopardise my chances for the MK Marathon if I do?

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