Tuesday 1 May 2012

Marathon Recovery

So you've done 18 weeks of training, you've spent a number of hours  in one go running the race and now it's time to stop.

It's time to sit back, relax and wind down.

Apparently not!

Post Marathon blues, depression and lethargy are all brought on as a result of 'lack of after race exercise'.

In the last few weeks i've run the equivalent distance of my house in the north of Buckinghamshire to Disney Land Paris, France.

I don't mind saying that during tapering I was getting frustrated with an apparent lack of activity, although I completely understand why. So to hear that, a few days after the race I need to pick up my game again, er, well, that actually sounds great.

Now i'm not going to start putting big plans and schedules together but for the next 4 weeks I will be starting to pick up momentum so that I get back to a healthy level of running, speed and fitness. According to more literature I need to do 260 miles (10 miles recovery for every mile raced) to reach my pre-race shape.

Great! that means I can run home from Disney Land too.

Looking forward to the next few weeks, starting today, as long as the rain holds off, i'll be out doing a gentle jog to keep the joints loose.

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