Wednesday 16 May 2012

Joining the Team

After a few weeks of resting and sensible recovery, not completely without some small spells of running and swimming, putting aside what seems to be a foot injury (which i'll come on to) I decided to join the local running club. "David Lloyd Redway Runners".

Got my UKA membership too.

Seems a whole bunch of interesting events that could be entered in to but will consider carfeully, there is a lot of support for many events by numerous peole in the club.

Next step has to be a half marathon and could well be the NSPCC local event in July. The only thing that's making me hesitate now is my poorly foot.

After completing the Milton Keynes Marathon 3 weeks ago I comented on a swelling near to my middle toe and that area seems to be the area causing me considerable discomfort not when walking and not wearing any footwear.

Never the less, the sun is out, the rain has subsided (but for how long) so I think i'll make a start and head back out again with a general goal of getting back into the 1:45 half marathon time.

Looking forward to it.

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