Tuesday 22 May 2012

Legs out in the sun (first of the year)

Was really looking forward today to be able to do a run in shorts as it's been too cold all year so far. Normally i'm out early in the morning when its fresh but today I was out at 6:00pm.

It was also very hot. Average temperature of 86F according to my Polar Barometer. Now although a short sleeved shirt and shorts was pleasant, the heat was way too much. Too hot, too humid and it really wiped me out.

It made me reflect on the cold weather that I have been used to recently, training for a spring Marathon. Up early with frost on the ground, still dark, often wet and longing for the weather to warm up.

Now here I am on the first nice warm day of the year, hooray! and this is what it would be like for the next 5 months if I were training for an Autumn marathon.

Unfortunately I like the cold side better.

So for anyone who has run the Marathon de Sables, firstly you must be barmy and secondly you have my full respect.

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