Tuesday 8 May 2012

Test drove new gear

So recovery is going slowly. 2 reasons for this:

1) My tried and tested race shoes saw their last outing on race day. They were in need of replacing at the start, but due to bad weather conditions, they were trashed by the end of the race.
2) Due to a problematic leg, believed to have been brought on by a replacement set of shoes in January, i'm now having to road test new running shoes to find something that will agree with me.

My old Saucony's did me proud, but with changing technology I think the new Omni10 version has moved to a place where my physiology doesn't want to be.

So, after trying a few different brands and styles in the shop we've come away with a pair of Mizuno Wave Nirvanna 8.

Test drove them at the gym yesterday and all seemed reasonably in order. Only managed 4 miles due to time constraints, but initial views seem positive. I won't have access to a gym now till Friday so I've effectively got a few days off.

Will return at the weekend and try again, probably a similar distance and then form judgement early next week. I have 2 weeks in total to see if they do the job or not.

I don't mind saying that comparing the Omni 10 to the Nirvanna 8 is like comparing a car to a bike. They both do a similar job, exactly what they are designed for but they are completely different.

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