Monday 30 April 2012

Milton Keynes Marathon - Complete

Sunday 29th April will certainly be remembered by thousands of people, both runners and spectators as a dire day for weather.

From 6:00am (time I woke up) untill 5:00pm it pretty much rained continuosly. We also had intermittent driving rain and winds in excess of 20mph.

The general temperature for the day was about 5 or 6 degrees C, 45F. Although with the wind and rain it felt more like 0 C.

I remember standing at the starting line shivering as it was so cold and I was completely wet by the time the gun went.

The next 4 hours or so was a time that I learned a lot about myself and it was also character building too. Much of it is a blur and I have to think hard to remember going through certain sections. There was so much going on, with entertainment, other runners, support from spectators, digging deep when the weather turned uglier and to a large extent having a good time.

Considering my problems during training, (leg injury end of week 5, restart training week 13) so I lost 7 weeks training out of 18 and the last 2 are tapering anyway, I consider my 4.5 hour time quite respectable. A shame things could not have gone more to plan, similarly the weather, but never the less the finish line was reached.

At 19 miles my pace dropped off as I had a calf muscle tightening up and I had to work through it and get it going again. Ironically as i hit the 25 mile marker by pace quickened to that of mile 6 or 7. So it goes to show that i had it in me.

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