Thursday 3 May 2012

Post Race Recovery run

It's 4 days since I did 26.5 miles and today i've had no instances of muscle or joint ache.

So this evening I set out to try and limber up and get back into the swing of things.

I totalled 4 miles which is a reasonable distance, not too far at this stage. Pace was interesting, I know this should be an easy pace, but when I set off that's all I could do. For 2 miles I did feel like an easy pace was all that I could muster.

Interestingly though by the time mile 3 and 4 had rolled by, my pace (which I hadn't been consentrating on, i'd just been in a grove) had quickened to the point that I was heading into half marathon pace. And although I thought I should slow down and take it easy, I decided to enjoy myself and kept the half marathon pace going for a little longer.

It's utterly crazy, enjoying myself by putting in a half marathon pace. 6 months ago that phrase would not have been spoken by me. Oh how things have changed.

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