Sunday 8 April 2012

Day 105 - 21 to go

So three weeks today is D-day.

Went out bright and early this morning, after getting changed once. Turned out that the rain came in and I wasn't prepared for that.

Weather forecast said 20% chance of rain, pah!

First 10 miles today were very wet, and kind of miserable. Last 4 cleared up for me to complete my lap in 2 1/4 hours and get a distance of a little over 14 miles. The pace was easy, although I kept straying into marathon pace, which was reassuring. Seems that I have a comfortable rythm at about 9:00-9:15 pace.

Calf muscles are a little achy tonight but that's all, apart from being tired, again.

A quite week with 18-20 miles next sunday then it's cool off for 2 weeks and stock up the fuel cells.

My Marathon Website

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