Wednesday 4 April 2012

Day 100 - 26 to go

Didn't know whether to go out running tonight to carry on with training or simply go running to get warm. Either way you look at it I did wrap up warmer than of late and even wore my gloves too.

Had the pleasure of taking a run round the old Greenham common airfield. A suitably arranged location for a touch over 5 miles. On the down side, it's an airfield, so there is little in the way of protection from gusts of wind. The 2.5 miles out was great, but the 2.5 back was terrible. The wind was blowing quite strongly and it was as much as I could do to keep a steady pace let alone focus and achieve my speed splits.

Oh well, got to the end even though I really felt like i'd done a work out.

One more session either on Thursday or Friday and then out for a half marathon distance on Sunday. best get the distance in soon, only just over 3 weeks to go.

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