Monday 2 April 2012

Day 98 - 28 to go

Back on day 95 I put in another 5-6 mile splits session. This time putting the speed up a little and raising the recovery speed too.

Oh and I did this at 8:00-9:00pm which was odd as it was dark by the second mile. Also made seeing where I was going a challenge.

Up to day 98 and put in a steady 10 mile run. Nothing too exciting but finished in good shape and no real muslce aches either.

Gave the energy gel a go too. It is funny stuff, it took me 5 minutes to take it on board as it was so sticky. I needed lots of fluids just to wash it down. I was half expecting a sudden surge of energy afterward but it never happened. All it seemed to do was clear my head a little bit, made thoughts clearer and helped me to concentrate.

It certainly didn't do me any harm so I have no worries about using them again. Just need to find some way of carrying them on race day. That is, if the weather is nice and warm. If it's cold and wet i'll be wearing lots of things with pockets.

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