Tuesday 22 May 2012

Legs out in the sun (first of the year)

Was really looking forward today to be able to do a run in shorts as it's been too cold all year so far. Normally i'm out early in the morning when its fresh but today I was out at 6:00pm.

It was also very hot. Average temperature of 86F according to my Polar Barometer. Now although a short sleeved shirt and shorts was pleasant, the heat was way too much. Too hot, too humid and it really wiped me out.

It made me reflect on the cold weather that I have been used to recently, training for a spring Marathon. Up early with frost on the ground, still dark, often wet and longing for the weather to warm up.

Now here I am on the first nice warm day of the year, hooray! and this is what it would be like for the next 5 months if I were training for an Autumn marathon.

Unfortunately I like the cold side better.

So for anyone who has run the Marathon de Sables, firstly you must be barmy and secondly you have my full respect.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Joining the Team

After a few weeks of resting and sensible recovery, not completely without some small spells of running and swimming, putting aside what seems to be a foot injury (which i'll come on to) I decided to join the local running club. "David Lloyd Redway Runners".

Got my UKA membership too.

Seems a whole bunch of interesting events that could be entered in to but will consider carfeully, there is a lot of support for many events by numerous peole in the club.

Next step has to be a half marathon and could well be the NSPCC local event in July. The only thing that's making me hesitate now is my poorly foot.

After completing the Milton Keynes Marathon 3 weeks ago I comented on a swelling near to my middle toe and that area seems to be the area causing me considerable discomfort not when walking and not wearing any footwear.

Never the less, the sun is out, the rain has subsided (but for how long) so I think i'll make a start and head back out again with a general goal of getting back into the 1:45 half marathon time.

Looking forward to it.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

What's in a name?

The reason for the blog was to share my training and event experience with anyone and everyone. Now that the original event is passed, the blog name is definately out of date.

Yet, i'm still posting on it.

So i'm changing the name of it so that I can carry on posting regardless of the event.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

How much for race entry?

Been looking at various races around the world and am shocked at some of the entry prices.

Looked at the Orlando (Disney) Marathon in January 2013 and the entry fee is $150 to start, going up in itterations to $190 as selections are made.

Even worse, the half marathon is the same price!

As you can imagine, i'll be looking at other events.

Test drove new gear

So recovery is going slowly. 2 reasons for this:

1) My tried and tested race shoes saw their last outing on race day. They were in need of replacing at the start, but due to bad weather conditions, they were trashed by the end of the race.
2) Due to a problematic leg, believed to have been brought on by a replacement set of shoes in January, i'm now having to road test new running shoes to find something that will agree with me.

My old Saucony's did me proud, but with changing technology I think the new Omni10 version has moved to a place where my physiology doesn't want to be.

So, after trying a few different brands and styles in the shop we've come away with a pair of Mizuno Wave Nirvanna 8.

Test drove them at the gym yesterday and all seemed reasonably in order. Only managed 4 miles due to time constraints, but initial views seem positive. I won't have access to a gym now till Friday so I've effectively got a few days off.

Will return at the weekend and try again, probably a similar distance and then form judgement early next week. I have 2 weeks in total to see if they do the job or not.

I don't mind saying that comparing the Omni 10 to the Nirvanna 8 is like comparing a car to a bike. They both do a similar job, exactly what they are designed for but they are completely different.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Post Race Recovery run

It's 4 days since I did 26.5 miles and today i've had no instances of muscle or joint ache.

So this evening I set out to try and limber up and get back into the swing of things.

I totalled 4 miles which is a reasonable distance, not too far at this stage. Pace was interesting, I know this should be an easy pace, but when I set off that's all I could do. For 2 miles I did feel like an easy pace was all that I could muster.

Interestingly though by the time mile 3 and 4 had rolled by, my pace (which I hadn't been consentrating on, i'd just been in a grove) had quickened to the point that I was heading into half marathon pace. And although I thought I should slow down and take it easy, I decided to enjoy myself and kept the half marathon pace going for a little longer.

It's utterly crazy, enjoying myself by putting in a half marathon pace. 6 months ago that phrase would not have been spoken by me. Oh how things have changed.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Marathon Recovery

So you've done 18 weeks of training, you've spent a number of hours  in one go running the race and now it's time to stop.

It's time to sit back, relax and wind down.

Apparently not!

Post Marathon blues, depression and lethargy are all brought on as a result of 'lack of after race exercise'.

In the last few weeks i've run the equivalent distance of my house in the north of Buckinghamshire to Disney Land Paris, France.

I don't mind saying that during tapering I was getting frustrated with an apparent lack of activity, although I completely understand why. So to hear that, a few days after the race I need to pick up my game again, er, well, that actually sounds great.

Now i'm not going to start putting big plans and schedules together but for the next 4 weeks I will be starting to pick up momentum so that I get back to a healthy level of running, speed and fitness. According to more literature I need to do 260 miles (10 miles recovery for every mile raced) to reach my pre-race shape.

Great! that means I can run home from Disney Land too.

Looking forward to the next few weeks, starting today, as long as the rain holds off, i'll be out doing a gentle jog to keep the joints loose.