Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 44 - Wet Training

To be fair i'm not sure I can call it wet training, is more like 'keeping your fitness up' in the wet. Absolutely no running today even though the plan for today says something in the order of 5 miles fast with recoveries.

I did on the other hand manage to swim about 1km. Garmin Forerunner is no use to plot my course though, it would a very boring map. 40+ lengths of a 25m swimming pool (indoors).

I've got a swimming training plan which is designed for Triathlon people, which i'm using to keep me going while i'm unable to run. I've put it on my website, so if anyone has similar issues and is unable to run, give it a try, it's very hard work. www.crazyspeak.co.uk

I start physio tomorrow at a sports injury clinic, so by 6:00pm I should have an idea if I will make the starting line or whether I should just pack it up now. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I don't want to miss this race.

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