Tuesday 16 April 2013

No time for training

Well there's actually lots of time for training during a day, just not enough days left before the Marathon. Another 2 weeks on from injury recovery and have done nothing to aggravate any injuries, in fact i've been on holiday enjoying the sun. So i've started again with a plan to ease my way back up to previous levels at a very gradual pace. While doing a short 3 miler this morning I couldn't work out how many days were left before the Marathon. Since i've got home it runs out that we are just under 3 weeks away. Well that's definitely that then, I couldn't get up to speed in that time even if I had nothing else to do. It does mean that the pressure is completely off as there is no way that I can be ready in time. Never mind there are plenty of events later in the year, I'm booked for one in October but I would think i can squeeze something in before then. Onwards and upwards.

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