Monday 29 April 2013

My decision is final, unless I change my mind

I set out early this morning on my weekly long run and spent 1 - 2 hours cruising feeling reasonably good about the whole thing but I knew how I felt and could see the result in Marathon conitions. As I had nothing to prove, this was just a training run, I cut short the end by about a mile or so as it was clear where I was. Due to all the issues earlier on in the year resulting in lack of time to train and pains and other things I am definitely not in shape for the Marathon next monday. I might be able to reach the end but it would be more likely that I went running until I had to give up. And with this in mind common sense says don't push on, accept that i'm not going to make it and carry on working through the recovery process and getting back to a level where I could do the Marathon. Today's run has highlighted that a Half Marathon should be a good stepping stone now but not aiming for a new PB. So i've entered one in 6 weeks time. And to top it all, my son is entered into the children's 1.5 mile run, now that is exciting. He'll be absolutely stoked when he crosses the line and gets his medal. So training drops back a notch but carries on for more weeks. Maybe I need a new training plan. Happy Running.

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