Thursday 23 February 2012

Day 60 - 60 minute mile pace

No not a typing mistake, today I did do 1 mile and it took me, well, slightly under 1 hour. The subtle difference is that I was horizontal and traveling through water.

25 more of those and I could swim the marathon, although the marshals might be bored by the time I crossed the line.

Still looking longingly forward to next week when we might be able to consider a gentle run to start things off. I've managed brisk walks this weeks with a few short bursts of speed up/down stairs and no apparent issues.

Was offered a free entry ticket for the Silverstone Half Marathon last night but frankly couldn't accept it. I wanted to as I tried to get in the race previously but it was fully booked. Now I have the option of a ticket and not sure if I can/should go in for it. Will I jeopardise my chances for the MK Marathon if I do?

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Day 58 - Not long to go

When I say not long to go what i mean is (hopefully) not long to go before i'm out running again. I've had to rest my leg for 3 weeks so far and luckily last week I was away on holiday so it was a perfect time to forget running and concentrate on recovery.

In the other 2-3 weeks that i've not been running, i've spent some considerable time in the pool, swimming further than I ever thought possible. Today's session concluded at 1.4km. All I need are 6 more lengths and i'll be back to measuring distance in miles.

Had my 3rd session of physio today too. Now, of course, the last 3 weeks have given my leg time to start to mend but I have no doubt at all the the advice given to me and the exercises prescribed have brought me back to some reasonable shape, it feels very good. We even spoke about considering some form of training (running) restart maybe after next weeks session.

I also learned a surprising amount about the way we (humans) are designed and how our mechanics work with regard to walking and running. I'm now looking at my running shoes seriously wandering if I should take a different approach. I'll wait to see on that one until i've had a chance to read my new book by Tim Ferriss. I am told that the section on running will really make you sit up and listen.

So by day 65 (next week) I should have put in 3 more miles of pool training and i'm hoping, with all things crossed that 'wet' training will start to reduce and running will recommence. Keep them crossed for me too.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Day 44 - Wet Training

To be fair i'm not sure I can call it wet training, is more like 'keeping your fitness up' in the wet. Absolutely no running today even though the plan for today says something in the order of 5 miles fast with recoveries.

I did on the other hand manage to swim about 1km. Garmin Forerunner is no use to plot my course though, it would a very boring map. 40+ lengths of a 25m swimming pool (indoors).

I've got a swimming training plan which is designed for Triathlon people, which i'm using to keep me going while i'm unable to run. I've put it on my website, so if anyone has similar issues and is unable to run, give it a try, it's very hard work.

I start physio tomorrow at a sports injury clinic, so by 6:00pm I should have an idea if I will make the starting line or whether I should just pack it up now. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I don't want to miss this race.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Day 39 - Not happy

I'm accepting that I must not do too much at the moment to allow my pulled tendon to recover but it is very hard. You see people out running and you wish you could be out there too, I never thought i'd say that.

So this morning, for the second time this week I decided to go to the gym for a swim. This is quite the most depressing thought one can have at 7:00am. I really don't like swimming, it feels and sounds like a waste of time. I looked at the pool and nearly had second thoughts again but jumped in. On the plus side, as it was sub zero outside it made the pool feel rather toasty.

I did my distance, slightly quicker and more efficiently than Tuesday and used the water support to help stretch the lower leg parts.

I'm going to be sensible and ensure that I recover completely and slowly but it cannot come quick enough.
Down with swimming, up with running.