Thursday 9 October 2014

Forward Planning

Now I know:
  1. It's only early October
  2. I have another race this weekend
  3. The season is not over
  4. It's likely that I'll be entering more events before the end of the year.
However it seems that I need to plan for next year already. The 'early bird' offers and the 'privileged' repeat racer emails are landing in my in-box and I would hate to miss out on an event because I leave it too late. It wouldn't be the first time.

So after a rapid consideration my calendar already looks like this:
  • 1-Feb-15, London Winter 10K
  • 18-Feb-15, Hampton Court Half Marathon
  • 8-Mar-15, MK Festival of Running 10k
  • 22-Mar-15, Reading Half Marathon
  • 4-May-15, MK Super Hero Fun Run (My son has demanded that WE run it)
  • 13/14-Jun-15, Blenheim Triathlon
  • 21-Jun-15, Enigma Super Hero Half Marathon
  • 26-Jul-15, Up Tow, Down Flow Half Marathon
  • 26/27-Sep-15, Hever Castle Triathlon
  • 3-Oct-15, Bournemouth 10k
  • 4-Oct-15, Bournemouth Half/Marathon
And for those keen observers, yes I was in Bournemouth 4 days ago at the 2014 festival. Not to mention many other interesting races throughout the year including locations like Amsterdam, New York and maybe a Disney run in Paris, I think my calendar is going to get a little more populated before very long.

Happy Running!

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