Tuesday 9 September 2014

My top 10 events (to do)

I've done some interesting events over the last few years and also failed to get into some events via ballots, so i'm still trying. I've also run a few races more than once.

This has made me think harder about the races i'd like to do in the future.

I'm actually writing this in retrospect as these thoughts were started at the start of 2014. Good news is that most of this is still 'to do'.

In no particular order i've listed the following races as events that I would really like to do at some point. Again, as these thoughts were past, my list is going to evolve (and has) due to completion of some.

1) Silverstone Half Marathon (UK) - Completed
2) Oxford Half Marathon (UK) -Completed
3) Bristol Half Marathon (UK)
4) Bath Half Marathon (UK)
5) Reading Half Marathon (UK)
6) London Marathon (UK) (not successful in ballot 2015, try again)
7) Disney Marathon Florida (USA)
8) London to Paris 24 (UK/France)
9) Virgin London Triathlon (UK)
10) New York Marathon (USA)

I'll do another post about events that i've now done and how they stack up as a top 10.

I'm always interested in exciting events or exciting courses. Often the atmosphere can make dull event really exciting.

What other races make you think "yeah, that was a good one!"

Happy running.

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