Friday 14 November 2014

The waiting is endless (VLM)

Nearly the end of November 2014 and I have a very blocked out calendar for 2015. When I say blocked out I mean weekends and races listed throughout the year but not booked.

Why are they not booked? because after 7 months I still don't know if i'll be running VLM or not. And regardless of this i've also got 2 other options which i'm waiting to hear about for April as well, those being Paris and Manchester.

I entered the VLM ballot and after 6 months of waiting got knocked back but then my running club got the offer letter for a small number failed ballot runners to still get in. However VLM give specific dates and require another 6 weeks of waiting before the draw can take place. I do wonder whether I should just say screw London and pick something else.

However the other 2 options are still on the table too which are essentially competitions that i've entered which could result in a training program and entry into one of the 2 listed races.

So what's all the fuss about. Well as you will all know training for a marathon is one thing but you don't go racing a half the week before and it's unlikely you'll want to race a half the week after. So the preparation for a marathon is important and because of the commitment it generally gets the focus and everything else works around it and in support of it.

So other than a half perhaps in February I can't commit to anything until after April and even then I have to be careful of the distance or content i.e. multisport and then also distance.

So what do I do?

I've decided (in the time it's taken me to write this entry), i'll wait till December the 1st and by then I should have heard about all 3 options. If i've been rejected (again) or not heard i'll assume no entry is forthcoming and plan for 2015 without a spring marathon on the calendar. 

Then come the questions and ballots for an autumn marathon, oh dear!

Happy Running!

Monday 20 October 2014

Oxford Half lives up to expectations?

I turned up to the start of the Oxford Half Marathon on Oct 12th and nearly decided not to run

I'd got a niggle in the hamstring, it was another 6am start on a Sunday, I was definitely feeling tired and uninspired and it was 3C and I was in shorts.

I sat on the floor, on my bag for half an hour looking at the 'bag drop' deciding what to do. I had some food, taped up my toes, etc, etc then eventually decided that I'd give it a go. After all I was there and I'd been looking forward to it all year.

There was a frustrating 20 minute delay in the start which meant that my warm up was utterly gone and I was very cold. I set a target of finishing as I wasn't sure how things would pan out, I certainly wasn't going to set out for a new PB.

The first few miles, I felt every step in my hamstring, but it did ease as i finally warned up. The route was not inspiring but I kept my self busy by talking to other runners. 

After half distance a quick check of the watch alerted me to the fact that my pace was quite good and I could have a good race after all, if everything held together. 

The literature for the Oxford course doesn't say that it's actually multi-terrain which caught me out at 8 miles. I don't like trails as my ex-broken ankle is susceptible to problems. This carried on till 10 miles. By this point it was clear that this course was indeed broadly flat and my pace was well on for a new PB if I could push for the last 3 miles. A quick bit of maths and I pushed on with numbers continuously calculating. Mile by mile a new PB loomed. At 12.5, baring injury or giving up this was going to be my quickest, I dug in even deeper and really pushed for home, lungs bursting, energy failing.

My delight, I finished a little under 4 minutes better that my previous PB.

I'm glad I went and glad I ran. It was a flat, fast course (good), with multi-terrain (bad). the scenery was a bit rubbish too, certainly not as interesting as I had expected. My ratings of this event below.

Happy Running

Thursday 9 October 2014

Forward Planning

Now I know:
  1. It's only early October
  2. I have another race this weekend
  3. The season is not over
  4. It's likely that I'll be entering more events before the end of the year.
However it seems that I need to plan for next year already. The 'early bird' offers and the 'privileged' repeat racer emails are landing in my in-box and I would hate to miss out on an event because I leave it too late. It wouldn't be the first time.

So after a rapid consideration my calendar already looks like this:
  • 1-Feb-15, London Winter 10K
  • 18-Feb-15, Hampton Court Half Marathon
  • 8-Mar-15, MK Festival of Running 10k
  • 22-Mar-15, Reading Half Marathon
  • 4-May-15, MK Super Hero Fun Run (My son has demanded that WE run it)
  • 13/14-Jun-15, Blenheim Triathlon
  • 21-Jun-15, Enigma Super Hero Half Marathon
  • 26-Jul-15, Up Tow, Down Flow Half Marathon
  • 26/27-Sep-15, Hever Castle Triathlon
  • 3-Oct-15, Bournemouth 10k
  • 4-Oct-15, Bournemouth Half/Marathon
And for those keen observers, yes I was in Bournemouth 4 days ago at the 2014 festival. Not to mention many other interesting races throughout the year including locations like Amsterdam, New York and maybe a Disney run in Paris, I think my calendar is going to get a little more populated before very long.

Happy Running!

Tuesday 9 September 2014

My top 10 events (to do)

I've done some interesting events over the last few years and also failed to get into some events via ballots, so i'm still trying. I've also run a few races more than once.

This has made me think harder about the races i'd like to do in the future.

I'm actually writing this in retrospect as these thoughts were started at the start of 2014. Good news is that most of this is still 'to do'.

In no particular order i've listed the following races as events that I would really like to do at some point. Again, as these thoughts were past, my list is going to evolve (and has) due to completion of some.

1) Silverstone Half Marathon (UK) - Completed
2) Oxford Half Marathon (UK) -Completed
3) Bristol Half Marathon (UK)
4) Bath Half Marathon (UK)
5) Reading Half Marathon (UK)
6) London Marathon (UK) (not successful in ballot 2015, try again)
7) Disney Marathon Florida (USA)
8) London to Paris 24 (UK/France)
9) Virgin London Triathlon (UK)
10) New York Marathon (USA)

I'll do another post about events that i've now done and how they stack up as a top 10.

I'm always interested in exciting events or exciting courses. Often the atmosphere can make dull event really exciting.

What other races make you think "yeah, that was a good one!"

Happy running.

Thursday 2 January 2014

2014 a New Beginning

I posted a reply on FB a few days ago about my running plans for 2014. When i looked at my calendar I was a little surprised when I realised that I currently have at least one of everything booked before June 1st and some distances more than once. That includes 5k, 10k Half and Full Marathons.

Were it not for 1 significant factor it's likely that there would be more 13 mile distances booked too. After I finished the amazing Royal Parks Half in October my wife asked I thought she would be able to do it the next year and I'm convinced she can. Unlike me though she has a mind set that tells her to start slow and build up the distances, starting with a 5k and gradually getting longer. My view was go for the Marathon then everything less than that is a breeze.

Anyway I've agreed to train her in readiness for a 2014 Autumn Half Marathon but the catch is that I have to run all the distances with her as a pacer. (OK).

First 5k is in March, a week after my first Half and by then we should have already entered the ballot for R.P 2014.

In addition to this on May 31st I have my first Triathlon booked in London at the ITU World Triathlon.

The new bike arrives on Jan 4th.

It's going to be a busy year.

A few minor tweeks but this is the new bike.