Thursday 29 September 2011

On the mend

Third run completed, still under clinical and non-strenuous conditions to explorer the healing condition of my foot.

2 miles resulted in minimal discomfort
3 miles was fine
Last night 4 miles went by without any problem.

Day off today and then i'll see if I can squeeze a road run of 5-6 miles in over the weekend. That will really tell me if i'm back up to speed or not.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

26 miles is a long way

While out and about, mostly in the car, I drive through areas that this Marathon will go through and I don't mind saying that after10 minutes of driving, then realising that I am still in a small section of the whole run that the scale of this hits home.

There are no words to explain the feeling other than it is one big challenge to do this.

First official injury

The reference material has indicated that I will experience at least one injury that will hinder training on the run up to the big day. OK, so i've now hit it.

I'm assuming it's a training injury, but may not be as it only manifested itself 36 hours after a training run.

It's basically stopped me from performing any activity where there is a foot impact i.e running. Swimming, cycling, cross training are all fine but running has been a complete no no.

It's been 2 weeks now and to test the healing state I went  for a 2 mile run yesterday on a treadmill. This is luxury as it has a cushioned belt and after that time the state of affairs was good. Not 100% but pretty good to allow me to gradually start picking up the pace again.

The one saving factor is that i'm not actually in the 5 month training window yet so I have time get over these issues and be ready for the later onslaught.

Monday 5 September 2011

First official training run

Good news and bad news.

I took timings for my first road based run at 10 miles. I managed a time of 1hr 47 minutes, which I though was completely respectable and this extrapolates out to a marathon time of about 4hrs 30 mins. That's not making any allowance for cardiac drift, etc, etc. The other good point was my temperature gauge averaged at 81 degrees C, so not what you'd call a cool run. I managed to sweat 1L of fluid in this run as well.

The bad news, I could have gone on to complete another 3 for a half marathon distance but I would have struggled to get much further.

I now have a stake in the ground and i've got measurements that I can now work with to improve my performance and reach for the 26 mile distance.

Friday 2 September 2011

Charity arrangements a piece of cake

Decided to raise funds to donate to charity. Charity now decided, Willen Hospice.

Went to visit the site today and it was a fantastic, tranquil haven. Squirrels hid behind trees as I drove down the drive and the people were beyond polite.

Seems i'm not the only one with Willen in mind as the events team were talking about a number of people that were running at various events to raise some money.