Friday 12 July 2013

What race next?

Well I can tell you, it's all quite now over the summer and my next race will be the Royal Parks Half Marathon in London on October 6th.

I've checked the course out and it all seems rather flat, so depending on the weather (as long as it's not 90F again; i'm sure it won't be), then I have a feeling that a new PB could be in order. I got a new one at St. Albans, on a course which was tough, so London should be a lot easier

I've been checking out my Garmin 610 and the virtual partner function seems like it will be my best buddy in October. I'll give it a trial run over 5k or 10k in the next few weeks and see how effective it is.

looking forward to the RP-2013 technical shirt to come through the door too!

Happy Running!

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