Thursday 27 September 2012

MK Marathon 2013 SuperHero

What a fantastic idea! Anyone including children can take part and complete a 1.6 mile course in a super hero costume. My little boy will be 6 1/2 next May and he has a Batman and a Superman costume. He needs an adult to run with him which is a pitty as I'll be too busy running the full 26.2 miles. Maybe I need to get a childrens team together and some kind parents to join in?

Excitment starts

Put in another solid 1 mile last night with no adverse affects. It feels like I could push on a bit but my head is in control and I will stick to the plan. The excitment mas also more apparent today when I heard news of failures to get into the 2013 London Marathon. To which there has been high discussion about MK 2013, which I have already entered and am now increasingly looking forward to. Book your place at

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Injury Recovery Starts here.

6 weeks in and the leg, although not 100% better is definitely holding up. I do believe that the injury mote likely to be LCL than ITB, so i'm approaching recovery differently. Checked with the doctor last Friday, based on LCL injury and he confirmed that some simple knee support would not be a bad idea to help give additional support so that I can get back to running. He's a general prectitioner and not a sports injury specialist but I will say that he gives you a strong feeling that sports injuries are not unfamiliar to him. And also he isn't one of these quacks who just say 'go and rest it'. I feel somewhat reassured that I can take an active step forward back into running. Saturday I took the first step and did a 1 mile run (treadmill), easy pace, just to see how it went with every expectation of pulling up with some discomfort. None arrived. Last night I did another 1 mile and again, no great dramas. So the plan is to keep up with regular 1 mile runs over this week and next with a hope that I can gradually push up to 2 or even 3 by the end of October. Only when I am completely satisfied that I am comfortable at the distance will I move it on. Oh and I haven't got a knee support yet so that's another positive result.

Monday 17 September 2012

ITB Rehab - week 5.

You know when something happens and your not 100% sure if the feedback you've been given is right? In true style, after 5 weeks of stretching, strengthening and observations I have a suspicion that the original diagnosis (not that it was officially given) was wrong. 5 weeks in and the signs of healing up are there but not in line with an ITB injury. Further personal investigation, not by a clinic, seems to indicate that the injury is more in line with an LCL sprain or meniscus tear. Observations, testing for both injuries, by me seems to look more like LCL than anything else, so although i've got lots of extra strength in my quads and glutes it may have been a bit of a waste of time. So with this in mind I've already found a set of rehab exercises and will look into exploiting them immediately. On the up side I can skip over weeks 1 - 3 as this is the RICE stage and we are clearly past that. I'll book another appointment with the Doc ASAP to get a second opinion.