Wednesday 15 August 2012

ITB Injury Rehab - day 5

Doctor has confirmed, high probability of injury being ITB. Checked out my range of movement, tension and points of pain. Good news is that stretching is not needed, it will not help me as my ITB is already relaxed. He also didn't think that physio would do much good either. Possibly later on if things don't improve. Muscle density around the area was looked at and it was observed that my quads could be improved around the knee, so i've been given a set of strengthening exercises to get me under way. Estimation of 5-8 weeks for a recovery (give or take). The pain today is broadly gone but i'm still going easy on stair descents. Start simple exercises tomorrow, schedule is 3 times a day, but to go easy for the first 1 - 2 weeks. Certainly feel like i've got a plan underway.

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