Friday 14 October 2011

Training Plan

I've not decided on a training plan/schedule yet but the indications are that I should be training at above 55 miles per week. Really!

55 miles per week? Some weeks I don't even drive that far, that is a long way.

The plan also recommends recovery/rest days during the week. So if you train for 4 days and not for 3 then I would have to have all training runs in excess of 10 miles. Somehow I'm not convinced that this is achievable and this is described as the 'Beginner plan' ?

Maybe i'll retract my previous statement regarding messer's Pfitzinger and Douglas.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Back on Track

Put in a 7 mile run on Monday with no adverse affects. Looks like we can focus our attentions properly now on the job at hand.

Interestingly, just received an email from the Marathon Team which included some example training plans. If I use one of those then I can sit around and do nothing till Dec 26th.

I think I will stick to my original plan though courtesy of Pete Pfitzinger and Scott Douglas

Wednesday 5 October 2011

6 mile road run

So I managed to find an hour early on Monday morning and I set out with a 5 mile goal in mind. After 4 -5 under my belt I felt pretty good so pushed on to complete 6 miles.

I know i've done some distance but I think we're in pretty good shape to start putting in more effort now. I've had a rest day so i'll head back to the gym tonight for an LT session.