Tuesday 16 August 2011

What have I done?

I'm always one for a challenge and this is no exception. It struck me that running a Marathon would be an achievement that would certainly be something to share with children, grand children and be something which I could look back on and be proud of.

Well step one is done, it was easy, i've entered. April 29th 2012 I will starting the longest run of my life, 26 miles  385 yards or 42.195 kilometers to be precise. And this is no mean feat as I've not been renound for my running skills in the past. In fact running has always been something that i've struggled with since I was at school.

So the hard work starts now, I've got books to help me through the training and i've got lots of time to prepare but I bet the time will vanish.

My 4 year old son is really excited and keeps asking me about how I will win the race, when he's a bit older I'll explain that my goal is to complete the race, completing it will be a big enough result for me.

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