Friday 14 November 2014

The waiting is endless (VLM)

Nearly the end of November 2014 and I have a very blocked out calendar for 2015. When I say blocked out I mean weekends and races listed throughout the year but not booked.

Why are they not booked? because after 7 months I still don't know if i'll be running VLM or not. And regardless of this i've also got 2 other options which i'm waiting to hear about for April as well, those being Paris and Manchester.

I entered the VLM ballot and after 6 months of waiting got knocked back but then my running club got the offer letter for a small number failed ballot runners to still get in. However VLM give specific dates and require another 6 weeks of waiting before the draw can take place. I do wonder whether I should just say screw London and pick something else.

However the other 2 options are still on the table too which are essentially competitions that i've entered which could result in a training program and entry into one of the 2 listed races.

So what's all the fuss about. Well as you will all know training for a marathon is one thing but you don't go racing a half the week before and it's unlikely you'll want to race a half the week after. So the preparation for a marathon is important and because of the commitment it generally gets the focus and everything else works around it and in support of it.

So other than a half perhaps in February I can't commit to anything until after April and even then I have to be careful of the distance or content i.e. multisport and then also distance.

So what do I do?

I've decided (in the time it's taken me to write this entry), i'll wait till December the 1st and by then I should have heard about all 3 options. If i've been rejected (again) or not heard i'll assume no entry is forthcoming and plan for 2015 without a spring marathon on the calendar. 

Then come the questions and ballots for an autumn marathon, oh dear!

Happy Running!