Thursday 2 January 2014

2014 a New Beginning

I posted a reply on FB a few days ago about my running plans for 2014. When i looked at my calendar I was a little surprised when I realised that I currently have at least one of everything booked before June 1st and some distances more than once. That includes 5k, 10k Half and Full Marathons.

Were it not for 1 significant factor it's likely that there would be more 13 mile distances booked too. After I finished the amazing Royal Parks Half in October my wife asked I thought she would be able to do it the next year and I'm convinced she can. Unlike me though she has a mind set that tells her to start slow and build up the distances, starting with a 5k and gradually getting longer. My view was go for the Marathon then everything less than that is a breeze.

Anyway I've agreed to train her in readiness for a 2014 Autumn Half Marathon but the catch is that I have to run all the distances with her as a pacer. (OK).

First 5k is in March, a week after my first Half and by then we should have already entered the ballot for R.P 2014.

In addition to this on May 31st I have my first Triathlon booked in London at the ITU World Triathlon.

The new bike arrives on Jan 4th.

It's going to be a busy year.

A few minor tweeks but this is the new bike.