Wednesday 11 July 2012

NSPCC Half Marathon - Milton Keynes

The weather was set to be wet and windy, but as a pleasant surprise it turned out to be dry and cloudy. It was humid and the temperature averaged around 75F, so it was a bit sticky. I felt reasonably good on the line and thought I'd give it a go to do a sub 2:00 hour run. I started fast and was averaging an 8 minute pace at the begining, but I soon realised, by mile 6 that I hadn't got the fuel to carry that pace through to the end. I slowed over the next 5 miles to try and recover for a flurry at the finish. I found an unwanted surprise at the end though. from 12.4 miles the course goes up hill and that took every last bit of saved energy to keep me going. Final result was good (I think), coming over the line in 1:55 with an average pace of about 8:45. The only negative point is that I have paid the price for a PB. Once over the line I stopped and before i'd really got my breath back my ITB had gone into spasm and I could hardly walk. Suffered for 2 days, but the ice and compression is now finished with. I've started a program of strengthening and stretching to improve this for the weeks. to come.