Saturday 31 December 2011

Day 6 - Half Marathon distance

So it seems that a half marathon is well within my capabilities, after all this is the second in 2 weeks.

I did a steady (slow) pace and enjoyed the remarkably mild conditions.

It looks like a came upon a New Years Eve running event at one point and I think the 100 (ish) people waiting to set off were a bit puzzled as I simply ran through them and off into the distance.

thboxster at Garmin Connect - Details

Monday 26 December 2011

Day 1

So it seems like months since I started training (unofficially) but according to my proper training plan today is day 1 of 125 (18 weeks). For the first few weeks I will be training at a higher level but should merge in with the plan in a few weeks time.

Todays 10 mile run can be seem in detail at GARMIN

Tony Holland at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday 24 December 2011

Christmas Eve run

6 Mile Willen Loop by thboxster at Garmin Connect - Details

I had the support team on bicycles with me today (Denise and Max) to keep me company. I seemed to gradually loose them at the 4 mile mark and they arrived at the finish over 5 minutes after me. They must have been looking at the birds on the lake.

Friday 23 December 2011

Take a week off?

Although the intention was to keep training this week while away on vacation, it turned out that this was not to be. The best I achieved was 2 swimming sessions with my son. I hold Mickey Mouse fully responsible as he put on too many shows and too much entertainment for us.

As of next Monday though, there will be no excuse, week 1 of the official training starts.

Sunday 18 December 2011

Half Marathon at Garmin Connect - Details

Half Marathon by thboxster at Garmin Connect - Details

A very cold day to be out at 7:00am running. Frost on the ground and the watch saying 31F.

My hands never warmed up, so am looking forward to Christmas day next week when I hope my wife will be giving me a pair of running gloves.

It also started snowing at the 9 mile point and gradually got heavier as I headed for the finish.

A half marathon before breakfast! certainly gives you a good sense of achievement.

Sunday 11 December 2011

A wrong turn makes all the difference


Heading for a long Sunday run today, expecting to go 12 miles. I added in a new section which I though would take my 10.5 to 12 miles. It should have done but as i've never been in that area I took a wrong turn and cut .75 off so was left with just over 11 miles.

Oh well, I'll have another look next weekend.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Running in Wind

It was all I could do today to keep going forward. of head wind of at least 20 mph was pushing me the wrong way for 3 miles solid.

It ends up being quite funny as you realise how stupid you must look giving it all you have just to get past a walking pace.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Winter Training

Well it isn't officially winter yet but today was a good insight into how training over the next few months will be. Frost on the ground and an average temperature of about 38F it took me 4 miles of my 6 mile run just to get warmed up.