Tuesday 29 November 2011

Message from Race Control

Just been informed that there's only 5 months left before the race. Better up the training pace!

Monday 28 November 2011

The Goals are Clear

I was emailed by the Virgin London Marathon Team today to confirm that I have not got a place in the London Marathon next year.

That makes life a lot easier, as that run is scheduled for the week before the MK Marathon.

Therefore our focus is completely clear.

Friday 25 November 2011

LT Training

A little warmer today, as I was in the gym. It seems to help by using the gym to do Lactose Tolerance training as it's easier to control speed and distance more accurately.

Put in 5 miles, and even got a PI of 40.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Cold in the morning

Definitely a notable coolness in the air this morning, single digits when I went out, roughly 43, but warmed up a little as the fog started to clear.

Very appreciative of the winter running gear that I had given to me on my birthday.

Definitely need to invest in some gloves too though.

Thursday 17 November 2011

General Anouncment

So most people will no now that today was effectively Day 1. I've started a little early but that can only be a good thing.

The web site is running with counters and links and all manner of things.

Tell everyone you know about this event and the charity that I am working to raise funds for. Every penny will help but the pounds are even more helpful.

Give generously!